Monday, February 1, 2016

Semana das Dificudades‏ November 3, 2015

Oi minha família e meus amigos!

Esta semana foi uma semana.....oops! I literally wasn't thinking about it and started writing in Portuguese. Sorry mom! So, this week was really not the easiest of all weeks. We had lunch appointments fall through---not ever any fun when you have to make your own lunch---and on top of that, we got a fun phone call from the assistants. 

They called us Thursday morning and asked me to help them with a quartet/choir for a fireside that President Brum was going to do with our ward and the other ward in our building. President had asked them to get together a musical number, and we had about four days to do it in. President asked them to prepare the song "glorious" that David Archuleta sings in the movie "Meet the Mormons", which is a really good movie if you haven't seen it. That meant that I had about and hour to learn the piano part, which isn't totally the easiest thing, and then two or three hours every day (plus and hour or more traveling by bus) in the mission office practicing for this musical number. What a job! But in the end, it worked out really well, and the fireside was WONDERFUL! President Brum really is a man called from God and he is here to preside over this mission in Ribeirão Preto.

Este evangelho é o evangelho de Jesus Cristo e foi restaurado nesses dias. Eu sei que ao seguir o exemplo de nosso Salvador, nós podemos chegar um dia na presença do nosso Pai Celestial. Ele nos ama mais que conseguimos entender. 

Amo muito vocês!
Sister Jensen

PS. We got soaking wet the other day, and we took sister Lobo's first rain pictures here in Brazil!

The new zone this transfer

Another fun rain picture in front of our house in the front garage area.

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