Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer wrap-up!

Hey guys! So I figured that I had better get all caught up on my summer! So I:

Went on Trek (with an AMAZING family!)

Went to BYS (and had the BEST group in the whole place-SAMSON!)

And last but not least of the huge summer activities...GIRLS CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then post girls camp, we: moved, my mom had surgery, and I got my wisdom teeth out!

Yeah, so my summer was pretty amazing, as you can see! But that's not all, oh no, that is only the beginning! I had my 16th birthday and went on my first date (now my sisters think that I am going to marry him) that very night with a good friend of mine and wonderful fellow pianist. (check out this new video he just put out- it's AMAZING! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh5j-KXPMJo&feature=youtu.be) They surprised me after we went to dinner because I thought that we were going to his house for a bonfire, when...SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran into my very own surprise birthday party! So I partied all that night just to go for another surprise birthday party of another good friend of mine the next day! that weekend was crammed with activities, but they were all worth it! Now...school starts tomorrow. :( Here we go, crazy jam-packed junior year!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10K- okay!

so i just got back from an amazing weekend in arizona somewhat recently. it was so amazingly warm (average of 75 degrees) and the lemons and oranges strait off the trees were delicious and tasted like candy! they are truly that natural winter candy of arizona! mmmmmmmmmmm so good! so, the reason i went there was to run a 10K race. it was London's Run and is a cancer benefit race. i was so surprised that i finished in under an hour (a crazy-for-me 52 minutes!), and i felt absolutely fabulous after the run! it was funny, during the race, i thought i would be sweating alot because i normally do when i run a long ways and i was running even longer and faster than normal and it was twice as hot as i am used to. however, as i was running, i was starting to wonder when i would start to sweat-i was looking around and almost everyone aroung me was sweating, but i wasn't which was really bizzare because most of the people were all in better shape than me! all in all it was a good trip though and i enjoyed seeing all of my family in arizona! hopefully i will have pictures on here soon! but for now, follow this link to my mom's blog for pictures http://thejensenseven.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-trip-to-arizona.html