My Beliefs

Well first off, I'm a Mormon, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am a devoted Christian. I chose to be a Mormon. My parents didn't force it on me, I learned for myself. This is the way I want to live my life. I know the teachings of this church are God's true word for his children here on Earth.

I believe that the Holy Bible is God's word. Many people think that Mormons don't believe the Bible, but we do believe that it is true. I do also believe that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. This book stands to testify of Christ along with the Bible.

I also believe that there are prophets alive on the earth today. They lead and guide Christ's church through divine inspiration. Just as God placed prophets on the earth in days of old, he does today. He loves his children now just as much as his children during the times of Moses and Abraham to name a few. We still need this link to God so that we may know of his will for us.

One of the best things that I know to be true, is that there is life after death. We can and will be reunited with our loved ones after our life on earth is over. My beautiful aunt died when she was 41. It seemed too soon for her to go, but we all knew that we would see her again. This gave us peace as we went through the hard time after her death, and as we continue to miss her day by day. She is eternally united with her family through the wonderful blessings of the temple. I know that someday I too can have a family that will be united forever. We will be together after death, through the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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