I am a college student with many interests. Interestingly enough, they can all be classified in one category: the arts.
First off, I have been studying piano productively through classical methods for the last nine years. I was learning how to play the piano much earlier than that, but it just wasn't actually productive. I have studied with the wonderful Diane Wenke, who is a retired Washington State University piano professor. She has taught me so much, and has led me to look at music in a very different and wonderful way. I have learned through her that music has dimension, a story, and endless possibilities and ranges. She has helped me on my way to becoming a pianist, not just a piano player. I also had the wonderful opportunity to study with Kelsey Webb, Master of Piano Pedagogy from Boise State University. She helped me realize that there is always something more in music, and that when you dedicate yourself, you can accomplish anything. I also have had several wonderful students of my own over the years. They have helped me learn so many things that I would not have learned otherwise, so I am so grateful to them. Sometimes it is truly the best thing to go back to the basics.
Music in general is something that I love. I have been singing since I could talk practically, and hopefully can claim to be decent when it comes to that. My mother took voice lessons through her high school years, and she has passed on what she learned to me. I feel blessed to have her as a resource. I also played the violin for four years and the flute for one year. These were practically passing fancies, but I enjoyed them while they lasted and will forever be grateful for the experience that I had with them. I also play the organ. My first lessons were the summer before my freshman year of high school, and I learned what everyone should know. The piano and the organ are NOT the same instrument, no matter what anyone says. I am so glad that I know how to play the organ though because it has allowed me to have more opportunities to serve in church.
I also have the opportunity to be a jewelry artist. I have taken the jewelry classes offered at my high school, which have proved to be beneficial for many reasons. They have gotten me a job at Tracy Jewelers, and have allowed me to have another creative outlet in which I can see ideas come to life. It is such an amazing thing to start out with an idea, see it on paper, and then make it into a work of art that is not only beautiful, but functional as well.
I have dabbled in other forms of visual art as well, but this one seems to be one of the most successful.
Over the years, I have grown more interested in the area of Language Arts. Whether it is my native language of English, or another language, I love it! I enjoy writing, and the results that it can bring as a wonderful way of communication. All my life I have grown up hearing the sounds of other languages as well. My dad lived in Chile for two years, so it was always novel to my siblings and I that he could speak Spanish. Since entering high school, I have had the chance to learn this language too. I would love to continue learning Spanish and learn French and Italian as well.
I loved being on the Yearbook staff at Central Valley High School. I was one of two senior assistant editors my senior year, which was a lot of responsibility. Being involved with such a large publication has helped me to be a more organized person, and allows me to express what goes on at school in an artistic way. It also inspired me to be better at keeping this blog, and to get more into design and photography, which are now two passions of mine that I probably spend way too much time on. I am more than excited to turn this passion into a career. With my recent major change from piano pedagogy to web design to graphic design, I can make this happen. Because I loved the graphic design side of being on a yearbook staff and love running my blog, this is the perfect career for me. I did my high school senior project on the psychology behind web design, and through that along with yearbook and my blog, I have decided to pursue design as a career. It was a perfect combination of the things that I love. Now that I have decided to focus of the generals of graphic design, I can work with a wider range of mediums rather than just the web. I have the tools to help me with web design, but I am also learning so much that I can apply in other fields as well.
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