About a month ago, for FHE we had a silly string fight. It was hilarious! We used 28 cans of silly string (I think) and we got a little crazy. It was a lot of silly string to clean up. It was a blast, and a good way to end the FHE for the semester.
Since I last wrote, it was April Fool's Day. My lovely roommates Christie and Mikaela love to go all out on pranks. They colored the milk in the fridge, and they did silly things like putting toast in the showers. The best one was a prank that Christie pulled on Mikaela. I found it the next night when I went to turn off their bedroom light when we left one night. Take a look.
So that same night that I found this wonderful poster, we had a closing social for my ward (the people I go to church with). We had dinner and a talent show. Man, it was hilarious! My FHE group decided to have a brownie eating contest. We changed it up a little bit though. You know those funny videos where two people are working together--where the second person is being the arms of the first person--like putting makeup on the other person or something? We did that with our brownie eating contest. It was great. I was shoving brownies in Emily's face, and it was just hilarious because I couldn't see what was going on, but I was acting as her hands. Yeah. That was quite the night.
A few weeks ago, the church held General Conference. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is where the leaders for the entire church hold a conference for all the members around the world. My wonderful roommates and I stayed at home and watched it in our living room on TV. It is so wonderful to be able to hear words from God's living prophets! I feel so blessed to have this opportunity twice a year to listen to this conference.

Now that semester is over, and I had loads of fun finishing my classes. They were a lot of work, but the best things requires work and effort. I learned so much, and I especially loved getting back in the swing of things within the graphic design world. Even though my graphic design class was a lot of work, it was my favorite and most rewarding class. I learned things about the software I will be using the rest of my career (Adobe Creative Suite) that I never knew, and I was able to brush up on my art knowledge. It was great to take that class because I just felt like I belonged.
So it's a new semester now, and I am excited, but the workload is going to be crazy. I am taking some classes that I am not necessarily looking forward to. My english class is going to be a lot of work, but I am actually excited about that one. I am also super-duper excited for my culture class in which I will be learning about art, dance, theatre, and music history. It is right up my alley, and should be a blast. I am also taking a Book of Mormon class (we are required to take religion classes) and I love it so much! I am taking from one of my favorite religion teachers, and I'm sure I will have a wonderful experience in that class as I prepare for my mission. I am taking several classes that have to do with my major, and some of them are going to be less enjoyable than others. I am taking Web Design, Computer Programming, and Typography. Hopefully I can learn everything that I need to from these classes because they are pretty important to my career. And in other news about this new semester, we only have four girls in our apartment when there would normally be six! There are Sophia, Christie, Mikaela, and myself in this apartment. No one new, just the four of us that were already here last semester. It's kind of nice. There is tons of room in the bathrooms and kitchen now! I even get my own bedroom, which is weird, but having the space it nice.
Oh, and I have an exciting update on my mission papers. Over the past month, I have had my final three interviews, the last of which was this morning. After that last interview, my paperwork was sent to the Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City. They will be seen by the church leaders, and then they will determine where I am going to go. This means that I will have my call here in a few weeks. Man. That just feels crazy! I will post on here where I am going as soon as I find out. I am pretty anxious to find out though.