So the adventures of babysitting. I got to babysit some of my favorite kids this last Friday! Sometimes, I wish that they were actually mine, but that would be a little weird. I really love them that much though. Eight year old Olivia asked to do my hair when I was babysitting them. She did my hair in "two pigtails". Here is a picture of her with me after (I insisted that we take a picture). Sorry, I am making a weird face and it is low quality from my phone again.
Isn't she cute though?! Wow my cheeks are red! It's just the lighting, right? Oh well, I still had a fun night with those four cute kids! Olivia's younger sister was especially cute. She broke her leg fairly recently, so she has a cast on one leg that goes from her toes almost to her hip. She was so adorable! She had me sign her cast, and whenever we left one room to go to another, she had me carry her. I saw her at church today, and she said, "Victoria!" so I picked her up and started talking to her. It was so cute because she said, "You are coming over to my house for lunch today, right?" I had to tell her no, but I would come over some other time. Her mom just laughed and told her that I needed to eat lunch with my family. It was so stinking cute though! I really do love all those kids a bunch!
Next subject on the line up: the stake dance. It was fairly fun. Not the best that I have ever been to, but it was still okay. I got to spend time with my wonderful friend, Dallas. I love her so stinking much! We have had way too much fun together in the past. She is a ton of fun, and I look forward to spending any time with her that I can. Also at the dance, Ashleigh and Connor were there, and I always love seeing them. However, they left pretty quickly without even saying goodbye, which was a huge bummer. They are both way too fun to be around at dances. I'm pretty sure that I know why they left, but I still think that it would have been more fun if they had stayed. The dance also included many weird faces and dance moves by myself, Dallas, Aaron, Connor, Ashton, and Landon just to name a few. I could tell you what all they did, but that might take a little too long. But those are some of the more memorable things from that night. Oh, there were some really funny dancing moments with Mitchell too by the way. Oh, in case you haven't noticed, I generally don't include last names in any of my posts. But the best part of the dance was the transportation to and from. My lovely car's speedometer stopped working last Friday. So, my car says that I am going zero miles per hour all of the time. The joke has become that I can go as fast as I want because I will still be going zero mph. Here is another joke that has come out of it is this:
Police Officer: "Ma'am, do you have any idea how fast you were going?"Yeah, so I have no idea when we will get it fixed, but I will just have to live with it until then. Luckily, I haven't been pulled over for speeding, and I hope that I can keep it that way. I still love my car, and I have especially enjoyed the sun roof as the weather has gotten nicer.
Me: "Actually officer, I have absolutely no idea how fast I am going. Can you please enlighten me?"
Police Officer: "Why didn't you know your speed? Perhaps YOU can enlighten ME."
Me: "Well you see officer, my speedometer hasn't exactly been 'up to par' lately."
Police Officer: "Can you explain?"
Police Officer: "Oh... I don't know what to say. Just be more careful from now on."
Me: "I will do my best officer. Goodnight."
Police Officer: "Goodnight."
Thursday night I spent the later part of the evening looking at prom dresses, and most of Saturday morning getting fabric and finding patterns. Once all was said and done, we bought five different fabrics! It is going to be so fun though! I am definitely excited for it!