Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fakin' It

There is so much for me to talk about! From Halloween, to the school play, to the ACT, there was a lot of "fakin' it" going on. Talk about crazy! I thought that I had a lot to talk about last time, but I think it just got worse. So I have a new goal. I will post THE DAY OF anything that happens. It's a fairly lofty goal, but it sure is possible.

So the first exciting thing was the football game. It was against the undefeated Gonzaga-Prep. We were all pretty scared going into that game, since we had lost two games that season already, and G-prep was undefeated. That game was so tense, especially in the last quarter, but we barely scraped by in the end 37-35. Everyone was ecstatic. We had just won a game against the previously undefeated team! I took pictures of that game down on the field, and I almost got run over by one of the G-prep guys when I was taking pictures. The game was fun to watch, but the results were even better. For the second football game in a row, we were all so proud to be bears.

The following morning I had to get up and take the dreaded ACT. It was certainly something that I didn't look forward to, but I am so glad that it's done. That is the last time that I am EVER taking that test. It was great though. The moment that I walked into the testing room, it felt like I was at seminary or something because most everyone in the room was a Mormon from my school. It always helps to have several friends there. Like always, the test was long, but I felt that I didn't have enough time. I finished more sections this time than last time though, so I must have improved some. The worst part though, was that my calculator's batteries were practically dead. I did almost the entire math sections without a calculator, so that slowed me down quite a bit. I am so glad that is is over! That day was also my dad's birthday, and so the day that started in a boring way, ended up good after all.

After school one day, I walked out to my car, and found a sticky note on my window. Leadership or someone must have gone out and put one on each car, since mine wasn't the only one with a motivational note.

I moved the note to my dashboard as a reminder of sorts that everyone has a purpose, and that everything counts, whether it seems big or small.

So when I was sitting in my car at piano lessons, I saw the coolest thing ever! There were three wild turkeys just walking around my car! It is hard to see them in these pictures because there was so much rain on my windshield. I would have just used my windshield wipers to clear them off, but that would require turning on my car and risking scaring them away.

I added arrows pointing to the turkeys to try to make it a little easier, but they are still super hard to see. It was pretty cool though.

We certainly can't forget the Holiday that was last week though...Halloween! It's not my favorite Holiday, but It was still pretty fun! I didn't really dress up for school, but I did wear fake eyelashes. That was fun! Nathan did have me beat on makeup for that day though. He had the coolest designs drawn onto his face with black and gold eyeliner. I wish I had a picture of it, but at least I will have the memory of it! Here's my fake eyelashes.

They are so fun to wear! My church held a Halloween party that night, so I got a little more dressed up for that. Well, I just got dressed up enough to do the room that I was involved in. We did a mock surgery for our room, and I was the patient. I got to do so much screaming, which was great! My throat did hurt the next day, and I didn't mind because it didn't last for very long. There was one room that caused a little bit of a fuss. The fourteen and fifteen year old boys had a smoke machine, and it set off the smoke alarms. Consequentially, the fire department showed up at the church, and we had to explain that there really wasn't a fire. They were super nice about it though. One of the best parts of the night was the photo booth that was set up. Emily and I had fun taking some really silly pictures in it.

You can see my "costume" in these pictures. It was just a surgery gown for our room, but at least it was something!

The best part of these past two weeks was getting to see the school play, Nicholas Nickleby. I saw it twice, once to take pictures,and once to just enjoy watching it. It was AMAZING! I laughed so hard, and cried a tear or two. I wanted to cry more, but it didn't exactly happen. It was incredible to say the least! Nathan definitely did a great job, as well as Josh (he played a woman, and was HILARIOUS), and my brother.

Clarisa, Jordan, Ryann, Nathan

I "stole" this picture off facebook, so I will give the credit to Clarisa because I took it from her facebook page. This was easily the best play that our school has put on since the fall of my sophomore year besides last year's musical: Singing in the Rain. I would suggest this show to anyone that is able to see it.

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