Monday, August 24, 2015

Semana Difícil Demais!‏ July 6, 2015

Hey there everyone!

Yesterday was probably the hardest day I have had on my whole mission, but the rest of the week was really great!

I got to see a young man in the ward open his mission call to serve in Natal, Brazil, got to go to a super fun ward activity (Festa Junina--a super fun winter festival they have here) and other good stuff too. 

Yesterday was hard because we had to cut Patrícia and Alex. I cried a little when I had to tell Patrícia. I am surprized that I wasn't totally bawling, because it was seriously the hardest thing I have done here yet, and I have already had super hard things on the mission. It is absolutley amazing to see how much Heavenly Father loves His children. I really was able to feel that love for this family. We told Patrícia that we can't visit them until she starts to show her effort and start reading the Book of Mormon again and start going to church again. She told us yesterday that Alex right now doesn't want anything to do with the church because his aunt kept on saying ridiculous and untrue things to him. It will take more time for this family to get to that point as an eternal family, but I know that they can be someday. I really truly can see it, and I just cannot wait until that day comes for them.

Other than that, like I said, this week was great. I just have to keep working and we will have a way to help everyone here.

I love you all, and I miss everyone a ton. This gospel is true, Jesus Christ is our Savior, and the Atonement is real. It's power is infinite and eternal. Without it, we are nothing, but with it, we have infinite worth and potential.

Com todo meu amor,
Sister Jensen

ps. this pic is of an absolutley adorable teeny tiny pineapple that we found yesterday.

Here's some sugar cane that I ate!

Here's the decor for my 9 months

Sister Beserra and I at the multi-zone conference

My district last transfer

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